How Books N Bros Thrives As A Subscription-Based Business

During these times of racial injustice and a global pandemic, there’s a lot of uncertainty and fear. What better way to combat that stress than to find an escape!

It’s so important to find things you love that can help you improve yourself and the community around you, to bring everyone together. Joining a book club could be one of the best ways to do so. Whether you’re an avid bookworm or a parent or student who hasn’t been able to find the time to read, now’s the time! And being subscribed to a book club can make it more accessible and fun. Reading can be a hobby to do during this pandemic and reading is very important!

Having a subscription book club is just the same as being in a book club physically. Having a virtual book club box still gives you the benefits of being connected to a community, being surrounded by like-minded individuals, using literature as a mode of escape, and even better: the books can be shipped to your door! 

Books n Bros has all of those qualities and more! We’ve made the virtual boxes just as interactive and interconnected! When the boys read the books they can escape because the boys can see themselves in the books, being represented positively! Not only will this be more fun, but it will be an incentive for them to want to read more and more. Every month, Books n Bros ship a box to your home. There will be a different book and theme, helping you immerse yourself in a new experience every time! This is perfect especially during this time. 

Books n Bros have virtual meet-ups on the first Sunday of each month via Facebook Live. During the virtual meet-up Sidney, the founder, catches up with everyone, and provides group updates. Sidney also reads to everyone and to switch it up, we have a guest author read aloud. All members are welcome to participate in a live discussion. We hope you join us on this journey to get LIT-eracy!   

Join Books N Bros or Adopt A Bro today!!!!

Chayla Brooks